Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Biggest Loser

Well we are into the second week of the biggest loser. If you did not know my family and friends are doing a 3 month biggest loser. It was $20 to join and $5 if you gain in a week. Joshua is trying to gain, but he keeps losing. We don't hold him to the money. Their are 8 people in the game and so far no one has had to pay. I am glad I am not alone in my family. We are really working hard. This week I have a cold, so exericing has not been easy. Any way we are doing great.


Jillene said...

Sorry that you are sick! Good for you exercising and losing weight--I guess the fact of having to pay money each week if you don't lights a fire under your butt huh?

{Rebecca Fellows} said...

Wow, good for you Tina! I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday nights when I'm watching it on T.V. GO TINA!! So do you get to win all the money if you're the Biggest Loser?

Amy said...

Hey Tina! Good for you and for your family, the money thing would really make it work for me. I have a question, your friend Christa, what is her maiden name? I know that is weird and out of the blue, but I think she is an old friend from Elementary, Jr. High and High School. If so I would love to contact her, but I would feel pretty dumb if it is not her and I left this big old message on her blog. Let me know. Amy

Bobie said...

Great Idea. You should have told me, I would have joined!! When it comes to money, I'm all about the competition!!

Tina's Treasures said...

Rebecca, Yes we had to pay $20 at the beginning and $5 ever week you gain.

Allison said...

That is awesome. Good luck. We will be routing for you. You ROCK. Go kick some butt! Please let us know how it all turns out.